Endianness Handling

All of libredstone’s endian functions take the form rs_endian_type, where type is the type of variable that the function converts. All of these functions convert from big-endian (the format that Minecraft uses everywhere) to native-endian, whatever that may be.

Calling these functions on a native-endian value has the effect of switching back to big-endian.

Functions are provided for signed and unsigned 16, 32, and 64 bit integers, as well as unsigned 24-bit integers (stored in a 32-bit int). There are also functions to convert floats (32-bit) and doubles (64-bit).


uint16_t rs_endian_uint16(uint16_t in)
int16_t rs_endian_int16(int16_t in)
uint32_t rs_endian_uint24(uint32_t in)
uint32_t rs_endian_uint32(uint32_t in)
int32_t rs_endian_int32(int32_t in)
uint64_t rs_endian_uint64(uint64_t in)
int64_t rs_endian_int64(int64_t in)
float rs_endian_float(float in)
double rs_endian_double(double in)